Naked Youth

动漫 动作


时间:2019-07-29 06:39:41




日本新番动画动漫Naked YouthIn Naked Youth Shishido takes us on a journey through the uncertainty and excitement of young love and homoerotic love. These gentle films quiver with sexual tension, which is linked to the natural world: trees reflecting on the surface of a pond, butterflies fluttering in the breeze. Nakedyouth won the best award in Tohoku University of Art & Design (TUAD) graduation exhibit, Selection in 5th Norwich International Animation Festival, Grand Prize in the 12th CG-ARTS Student CG Contest, Recommended Work in 10th Japan Media Arts Festival, Visual Prize in 19th DoGA CG Anime Contest. and Screening at Annecy 2007 Special Programmes - "Animation and Desire".


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