日本新番动画动漫Bugs Bunny Gets the BoidThe cartoon begins with a mother buzzard instructing her children to go out and catch something for dinner (horse, steer, moose, and cow, respectively). Three out of four agree to their mom's food choices and take off right away. Then Mother notices one of her kids remaining with his back turned. This is where we meet Beaky (called "Killer" in this short, presumably as an ironic pet name or nickname), as he is painfully shy and a little on the slow side (with Kent Rogers doing a fair imitation of Mortimer Snerd, anticipating Cecil Turtle's voice). Against his will, his mother kicks him out of the nest with instructions to at least catch a rabbit. Beaky spots Bugs Bunny and soars down to catch him. Bugs makes like an air-traffic controller and "guides" Beaky to the ground with a crash. Upon getting up, he is greeted with Bug's trademark phrase "Eh, what's up Doc?"
A chase ensues ending with Bugs crashing into the ground underneath the skeleton of a dead animal. He cries because he thinks he's dead, breaking the fourth wall momentarily with a Jerry Colonna-like comment straight to the audience, "Gruesome, isn't it!" He then laughs it off when he realizes otherwise, and breaks the fourth wall again, telling the audience that he knew it all the time. Beaky ends up the same way, and just as he begins to call for his mother in panic, she shows up. At first the mother buzzard thinks Bugs did something to Beaky. Bugs pulls Beaky out of the ground. Upon the realization that Killer is unharmed, the mother abandons her desire to devour Bugs. Instead, she turns to him and declares, "And you, you are my hero!" She embraces Bugs and kisses him. When their lips part a pink heart can be viewed in the space between. This causes Bugs to blush and say "nope, nope, nope" just like Beaky.