Coal Black and De Sebben Dwarfs

动漫 动作


时间:2019-08-02 10:03:48




日本新番动画动漫Coal Black and De Sebben Dwarfs  2006年6月在Annecy国际动画电影节上评选出的“动画的世纪·100部作品”第40名。   Coal Black is working as a maid in Harlem, but her mistress doesn't like the idea that Prince Charming is more interested in the maid than in her, so she pays some crooks to drive her to the country and kill her. But Coal Black is lucky, she isn't killed, but set free somewhere in the rural area - near a US Army Training camp. Seven GIs take care of her, but her old mistress finds out that she's still alive, and comes to poison her with candy. Only a kiss of her lover can save her now...


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