Moonlight Sonata

动漫 动作


时间:2019-08-03 13:21:08




日本新番动画动漫Moonlight Sonata  This article is about the American filmmaker. For the American publisher and writer, see Larry N.Jordan. Larry Jordan is an independen t filmmaker who has been working in the Bay Area in California since 1955, and making films since 1952. He has produced some 40 experimental and animation films, and three feature-length dramatic films. He is most widely known for his animated collage films. In 1970 he received a Guggenheim Fellowship to make Sacred Art of Tibet. His animation has shown by invitation at the Cannes Film Festival. Jordan is one of the founding directors of Canyon Cinema Cooperative. He has shown films and lectured throughout the country. He is presently chairman of the film department at the San Francisco Art Institute.


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