The Black Arrow (1988)

动漫 动作


时间:2019-08-07 08:39:51




日本新番动画动漫The Black Arrow (1988)One plotting politician, Sir Daniel Brackley, is using the royal unrest to his advantage and unwittingly giving rise to the arrival of a medieval hero, Black Arrow, whose steel cross bow and stout heart are pitted against the kingdom's villains. Black Arrow is saving one final arrow for the assassin who murdered his good friend, Harry Shelton, and left young Richard Shelton fatherless. Join the exciting adventures of Richard Shelton and the mysterious Black Arrow, brought together through turmoil and tragedy to begin the adventure of a lifetime. 英国玫瑰战争时期,贵族混战,民不聊生。一位神秘的刺客出现,用黑箭刺杀压榨民众的官员。主角意外加入了黑箭的队伍,追查父亲遇害的真相。


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