My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow

动漫 动作


时间:2019-08-26 11:43:00




日本新番动画动漫My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway RainbowMy Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow is a Direct-to-Video Animated film produced by SD Entertainment and distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment in association with Hasbro. The film is the third of the Generation 3 My Little Pony films and the second film to promote the Crystal Princess line. Unlike The Princess Promenade, the film has been criticized. The DVD also features two more animated feature, Greetings from Unicornia and Friends are Never Far Away, which was originally released on video in 2005. The Runaway Rainbow was made available on (a successor of Hasbro's MonkeyBarTV website), alongside My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas and My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade. But they were removed from the site later. The movie is been reissued in the 2-disc DVD collection My Little Pony: Classic Movie Collection, alongside The Princess Promenade, Dancing in the Clouds and Friends are Never Far Away.


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